Friday, April 30, 2010


Bernalillo County Government is usually somewhat ignored by the media in the metro area.  Today however there are two major stories in the Albuquerque Journal about employment issues.  Usually, the county gets away with ducking publicity because the media has no one to focus on, like a Mayor.  Instead they see five Commissioners and a County Manager and don't know who they should really approach.  So they blow things off.

That might be changing and lets hope so.  When you see an old politico like former legislator Al Valdez get a job in the midst of a hiring freeze at the county then you know the media will start asking questions.  If you believe that Valdez got his job on just merit, then you are pretty gullible.  That is not the way things work, especially in county governments around the state.

County Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins is beginning to be the go to person for the media.  She is always willing to speak about issues and management at the County.  That is good.  Now, I would like to see some detailed reporting on County finances.  They are in pretty good shape compared to city and state government because of their stable revenue source.  That would be the property tax.  However, some scrutiny wouldn't hurt.

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