I think Ray Powell might win the Democratic primary for State Land Commissioner. Although, that race is not decided yet. I still don't know who I will vote for. I admire Santa Fean Harry Montoya because he stood up against the oil and gas industry in his county and he wants to open up debate on Land Office decisions to the public. I personally like Sandy Jones and think he would make a good Commissioner as long as he doesn't fall under the sway of the oil and gas boys. Ray Powell is a decent guy who will once again be a care taker and not a reformer. In some ways that is worse than having some one you can apply pressure to politically.
I plan on early voting this week and will go into the booth undecided on the Land Office race.
I will be voting for Lawrence Rael for Lt. Governor. I like all the candidates and have great respect for Jerry Ortiz Y Pino, but I think Lawrence will be the best person to draw votes for Diane Denish in November. Jerry can do a lot of good in the Senate where he is a voice for progressives and compassionate policy. He would be missed there.
I think Susana Martinez, and her newfound right wing ideology and love of the oil and gas industry, will probably win her republican primary. Then she has some explaining to do on how far right she is prepared to go.
I voted day before yesterday, and I went for Joe Campos for Lt. Governor. I think he will benefit the Denish/Campos ticket best. He has done good in the eastern part of the state and will add to Denish there, he will also solidify the North for her like none of the other candidates. Voted for Montoya for State Land Com.
ReplyDeleteAnd a Martinez/Sanchez ticket for the republicans. What will the racists and qusi racists in the GOP do?
ReplyDeleteI would not have voted for Montoya if I had known about the paving of the church parking lot. But that is my, and his, reward for me voting early. My saving grace is if Powell wins. Also, very disappointed that the Speaker did this. Lost all respect for him because of this. New Mexican Democrats now have 2 folks who are known bad apples, Speaker Ben Lujan Sr. and Jerome Block Jr. on the PRC
ReplyDeleteI'm not at all comfortable with the notion of putting a rancher in charge of public lands.