Thursday, July 22, 2010


I defy anyone to find any environmental principles stated on the web site of republican governor candidate Susana Martinez.
On the other hand democratic candidate Diane Denish has posted her environmental guiding principles on her web site.  They are as follows.

1.    All decisions on natural-resource development and extraction should hinge on the protection of water – New Mexico’s most valuable resource.  Water conservation, protection from pollution, and sustainability of supplies are the key factors to consider in all natural-resource decisions.  Our groundwater, watersheds, rivers, and riparian areas must be protected.
2.    Renewable-energy development in New Mexico is one of the most important economic-development strategies available to us.  It should be prioritized for state economic-development incentives and support.
3.    Protection of New Mexico’s unique landscapes should be a priority of state policy development.  There are many appropriate places for energy and natural-resource development in our Land of Enchantment, and there are many places that are inappropriate.  Otero Mesa in Southern New Mexico is one such inappropriate place.  New Mexico’s enchanted landscapes and natural beauty are two of the most important long-range economic-development assets we have. 
4.    Energy efficiency and conservation must be a priority for state government. This means no new state facilities, buildings, and fleets purchased that do not meet the highest standards for green buildings and efficient mileage. The cheapest source of energy is the energy that is not used.  As state employees, we have a responsibility to lead the way in green infrastructure development.
5.    One of state government’s biggest tasks is assuring public safety.  This includes strong protection through enforcement of environmental rules and regulations.  This commitment to public safety policy not only protects the public health, it also protects the strategic interests of taxpayers by saving them from having to pay huge sums for environmental cleanups.
6.    Climate change will drastically affect New Mexico and the west and we must work with the federal government on a comprehensive national effort to reduce carbon emissions.
If you care about the sustainability of our quality of life you have a clear choice.

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