Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I am going up to Pendaries, NM again for a couple days of golf.  I sure hope it is cooler than Albuquerque.  As I get into the Zen of golf I will be distracted by the current gross receipts tax rate I noticed on my sales slip last night.  7%!
That is one hell of a high rate.  It is regressive as hell and unfair to the poor especially.  I think when I was Mayor it was around 5.6%.  And meanwhile the republicans want to cut taxes on the rich even more.  That is something to get hot about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim. Like you blog and comments, except for this one. You seem to be comparing local GRT rates to the political platforms of the national parties. I'm not sure I see much of a tie in there. What I'm saying is, not everything is attributable to the GOP bogeyman.
