Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tit for Tat

A poll on CNN says that 70% of those responding support other countries banning scarves that cover the faces of Muslim women.  It is an attack on a whole religion.

So I think these countries should ban the white collar for priests and reverends and also make the pope stop wearing his funny hats.

But what I really want is for the USA to ban men's tank tops.  Have you ever really seen anyone that looks good in one?  Well, maybe .006%.  Tops. We got rid of mullet haircuts mostly.  Why not tank tops?  Who needs hairy armpit shows?

Here is the latest kitten picture.  They are insisting it is time for canned food.  One half teaspoon each. They are growing a lot.

1 comment:

  1. It is like a huge club thing. Or a huge gang, depending on how you look at it. Look at the other religions, they all do it. Saffron robes, beannie hats and long beards, tight underpants etc, etc.
