Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Governor's Race

Everyone is coming on with different and conflicting polls in the New Mexico Governor's race.  They only one I will look at with confidence is the Albuquerque Journal Poll from Research and Polling Inc.  Brian Sanderoff's track record there is impressive to say the least and I don't think his poll has ever missed calling a Governor's race.  But this is a pretty weird year with people's angst ruling their decision making, rather than logic.

One piece of logic that needs to be parsed is how Susana Martinez would deal with a democratic legislature.  Libetarian Gary Johnson dealt with them by doing nothing but vetoing legislation.  If he had any sort of program for the future of the state it was based on doing nothing.  So he couldn't really be seen as a complete failure, because he did nothing. Now Susana, if she wins, would have to do the same thing because she will get nowhere with a hostile legislature.  She can only wield power with vetos.  Hardly a positive thing.

Right now a platform of doing nothing for a sitting Governor would be disastrous for your state.  I believe government can be a positive force in helping people.  Especially in these times.  And that is why I like Diane Denish and the Democrats.  But, when Sanderoff's poll hits Sunday I suspect that this race will really heat up along with the Congressional contests.  Anything can happen.


  1. Jim: I congratulate you on the customary broadmindedness shown by the advertisement displayed on the upper right of your blog site. When I clicked on it three questions came to mind: 1) Do you go there often? 2) Which of the clothing options do you prefer? and, 3) Are you compensated for carrying the ad according to the number of guest bookings it attracts? I will await your answer so as to determine the level of your humor quotient. At least you now know that I am a reader. Ray Davenport,

  2. Actually, I don't pick the ads. Those don't bother me so much though.
