Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Hermit's Peak
I stopped by the side of Highway 518 yesterday on the way to Pendaries to play golf. I have always marveled at Hermit's Peak. It sits between Las Vegas and Mora. says, "This peak was once called El Cerro del Tecolote, "The Hill Of The Owl" by early Spanish settlers. In the late 1800s; however, the mountain became known as Hermit Peak. Supposedly, an Italian missionary named Juan de Agostini lived in a cave on the summit in the mid 1860s. He established himself as a kind of holy man, trading carvings and trinkets for food. Folks would hike to the top to recieve blessings and healings. In the late 1860s, de Agostini left the mountain and was later killed by Indians. Pilgrimages by religious followers to the cave at the summit continued up until the 1960s. Near the summit, there are still the hermit cave and remnants of religious gatherings."
Northern New Mexico at this time of year is the best place in the world to hang out. The golf games were great in beautiful weather. Last night a bear was hanging around the cafe and this morning some mule deer joined us on the tee box.
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