Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Why is it that we cant go see a speech by the President any more?  Ever since 9-11 it seems the only way to see the nation's leader speak is either on TV or at one of those small invitation only affairs.  I remember that every time Bill Clinton came to New Mexico he would hold a public rally where everyone could attend.  Now, as with Obama today, a very small and orchestrated event will take place in Albuquerque's South Valley.  TV will be there but the citizens wont.  This may be the doing of the Secret Service but I still think it further insulates the country's leadership from the people.

The Albuquerque Journal editorial this morning on the NM Air National Guard (The Tacos) seemed to indicate that the reason they have lost their mission and planes is that Pete Domenici and Heather Wilson are no longer in congress to protect them.  Maybe the Journal needs a longer look at that premise.  Frankly, the F-16 just is getting old and obsolete.  Having all these fighter groups around the country is needlessly expensive in the era of drone aircraft and pinpoint GPS and Laser targeting.  And I say this as a person who really likes Air Force fighters and as a former member of the Tacos.  I am kind of a freak for them.  At this point many of the Guard Units that are still flying will probably cease to do so in the next ten years as budget savings are sought out. Budget savings made necessary by bush, Domenici and Wilson's tax cuts in the middle of a war.

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