Thursday, September 02, 2010

Solar Gold

This is a damning report by the Associated Press on the performance of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on siting of renewable solar energy projects on federal lands.  Not one light bulb is being powered at this point by these projects according to this story.  One reason, the speculation on leasing of land near power lines by the likes of Goldman Sachs.  It is a game to them.  They have slowed things down along with the BLM so that nothing is getting done. While the bush administration approved 73,000 drilling applications, not one solar lease was approved.  I know that the folks inside the Interior Department want things to move, but BLM inertia combined with bush people left in the state offices have doomed the effort. So far anyway.

In the meantime I can proudly say that my brother Tom and I have done more to generate solar power that the entire BLM.  Last year I put up a 3.2 Kilowatt system and today my brother fired up his 3.8 kilowatt system.  So in the last twelve months PNM has paid me for power that I sell to them for every month except July.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you and your brother. In sunny states like ours(I am in Az) we should all be using solar power. It just makes sense! So why they don't just get their butts in gear down there doesn't even make sense.
