Thursday, November 18, 2010

News Vacuum

The New Mexico Independent online news service is now toast.  One less alternative view of news since the demise of real American Journalism.  This news service depended on charitable donations to exist and the economy flattened that revenue over the last year.  One less push back to the now right wing Albuquerque Journal.

The Independent wasn't a great site but its very existence was important.  It was certainly more than just a ranting blog, ahem, and it did provide some insight occasionally.  I guess we all need to spend more time on reading the Santa Fe New Mexican.  That is a newspaper that could be the greatest in the state, but it has never achieved that status.  It is not to late.

And then there are the TV stations so called news departments who are in an orgasmic state right now because there is another high school football team story that involves sexual escapades.  They have their lead story for the next four weeks.

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