Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The corrupt tenure of State Land Commissioner Pat Lyons is history.  Sate Auditor Hector Balderas did a good job in exposing Lyons.  He will now move his brand of government to the Public Regulatory Commission to join those stalwart public servants like David King, Jerome Block, and other bad actors.  Good riddance, and hopefully the Legislature will undo the creation some years back of the PRC.  What a disaster.

I place the blame for Pat Lyons disastrous terms in office on the oil and gas industry and the Albuquerque Journal and other so called journalists.  I knew what was going on there and how bad it was.  I met with the editors and with Thomas Cole, (the Journal's resident character assassin) and pointed them to where they needed to go.  They didn't go because it would have required real investigation over a period of months and real work.  They saw it easier to insinuate the Governor was going to be indicted.

Of course some of the state's real estate developers especially wanted this Lyons administration to stay in office.  As much as the oil and gas industry and they teamed up to give unprecedented political donations to him in 2006 when he buried me in greasy money.  I lost and it was my own fault for not going negative.

I wish Ray Powell lots of luck in finding out where the bodies are buried.  Ray should ask for a special appropriation to hire a forensic accounting team to see just how bad the damage was.  Any findings should be turned over to the U.S. Attorney.  Don't bother with the media though, they might actually have to do some work rather than replay 911 emergency calls as news.

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