Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Domestic Issues

It has been a raucous couple of weeks.  First we see Japan in catastrophe.  Then Americans and Europeans bombing together in Libya. (Mostly us but they signed on right up front.)

During these high intensity times we tend to forget that are lots of things that still need attention within our political borders.  One thing we learn from a small nation like Japan is that there are not many places to run away too when you really need to leave quickly.  That is a problem we don't have in our great landscapes in the United States.

Right now we don't need to outrun Tsunamis.  We do need to outrun off road vehicles though in our fragile western deserts and landscapes.  This is a problem that keeps getting worse.  Just look at the advertising the ORV people do on TV.  Pretty much tearing up the peace, quiet, watersheds and landscapes.  There are responsible riders, but it only takes a few to do great damage.

In Utah right now the Greater Canyonlands area, consisting of a million acres surrounding the Canyonlands National Monument, are under assault by off road vehicles.  There is an attempt underway to get Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to administratively ban ORV traffic from over a thousand miles of trails that have been scraped into existence by irresponsible riders.  Another 15,000 miles would be left open in other areas nearby.  That should be enough.

These areas that are requested for exclusion from ORVs have extremely vulnerable streams, vegetation, and wildlife habitat.  They need to be saved.  So we can always have a place to run off too.

You can send a letter asking the Secretary to defend this American Treasure.  Here is a site to make it easy.


  1. "Another 15,000 miles would be left open in other areas nearby. That should be enough."

    You feel qualified to make this statement? Judging by your lack of proper grammar in several instances throughout your touching write-up, you may not be qualified to even write about what is going on with the public lands in Utah.

    For what it's worth, I care greatly about proper land use in regards to motorized travel. However, since you like the doom-and-gloom undertone of where to run if/when it hits the fan; the last thing that I will give a rat’s ass about is where I can and can't drive legally. I'll find a nice hidden away canyon, tucked deep into a WSA just so you land-Nazi crazies won't find me. :)

  2. Why dont you worry about stuff in New Mexico and put your head back in the sand. You have NO idea what goes on in Utah and that the majority of the off roaders are better enviromentalists than the ones like yourself. Just because they like to recreate on OHV's doesn't mean they are out tearing up the landscape.

  3. It is easy to see from these comments the kinds of intellects we are dealing with in the ORV community.
