Thursday, May 05, 2011


I read where our Republican Secretary of State has waived late filing fees for candidates who didn't get their campaign reports in to her office as required by law.  One of them was the Governor's Chief of Staff.  This story was buried in the back pages of the Albuquerque Journal.  Can you imagine same placement of that story if this had happened during the Richardson administration?  It would have been front page news for at least six weeks....above the fold too.

The Journal today did run an oped from the BNSF railroad that was unkind to the paper for its attacks on them for working with the Richardson administration on the Rail Runner and the visionary state acquisition of the rails between Santa Fe and Raton.   That is another thing the Martinez administration keeps whining about.  It is interesting that Susana keeps pissing off certain businesses with big payrolls in the state.  Only because they worked with Big Bill.

I had to shake my head in wonder at the Albuquerque Police Chief's assertion that the bust of six heroin houses in the Duke City was a good start in the fight against the narcotic here.  Would this be a new start?  Or one that was started in  the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's or 00's?  It is almost comical that the Justice system continues slamming its head into a brick wall.  Well, they do have those budgets to maintain and then grow.  I still say that quirky former Governor Johnson's pro drug legalization is more realistic than the current system.  It would at least bring down the cartels and stop addicts from breaking in to your home to steal your iPad.

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