Tuesday, June 07, 2011


The sky was yellow last night at our house and ash was raining down like snow.  I tried to photograph it but I could not do it justice.  Today I will go out and wash down my trees and bushes from the residue of Arizona wildfires.  I usually wash down the trees once a week anyway, but an extra rinse won't hurt.  When I was a kid and spent summertime in my grandfathers Pena Blanca apple orchard of 800 trees I remember he would wash them down with a portable tank and sprayer if it hadn't rained in a couple of weeks.  He said it made better apples and I am pretty sure it did.

I have to head off to Washington on Wednesday for a couple of board meetings.  I haven't been there for a while and it will be interesting to pick up the mood on the Potomac.  Those moods last briefly.  Three weeks ago Obama was riding high on the death of bin Laden.  Now a bad jobs report has him falling in polls again.  It is the 24 hour news cycle.

One nice thing about the trip is that I will zip up to New York to see my son and his family.  I will get to hold our first grand child again.  Simon is cool and his dad Justin looks like he knows it.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I go through Pena Blanca, I try to remember what New Mexico leader I'd heard was from there. Was it you? Or just your grandparents? Nice little town.
