Friday, July 01, 2011


Just when you think you have seen everything a crazy republican congressman from Utah, Rob Bishop, has decided that this country needs a 100 mile buffer on our borders.  Bishop, who rails against any and all public land protection as theft against the people, now wants to steal those lands and turn them over to the Homeland Security Department. His House Bill 1505 is the vehicle.  A friend analyzed the bill for and said,

"It pretty much turns over management of all national forests, Wilderness areas, National Park System Units, BLM lands, and National Wildlife Refuges within a hundred miles of our northern, southern, western and eastern borders to the Department of Homeland Security, and waives virtually all laws pertaining to the management of these lands for “national security” purposes.  In essence, the Border Patrol would be put in charge of federal lands falling within this area.  They could build and use roads in wilderness areas, observation towers, fences, landing strips, barracks – even prisoner camps, plus keep the public out, and close hunter and other recreational or commercial access, without consulting with any other government agency, the public, state officials, and no need to comply with any laws that might otherwise apply to such activities."
If you will notice, the state of Florida will be administered entirely by the Homeland Security Folks.  Those are the people who brought us the TSA at the airports.  Imagine many of those old people in Florida who wear "Depends." Will they now be subject to having them checked for explosives before entering Denny's for lunch like that 95 year old woman in an airport last week?  And get ready to be checked for explosive snorkels in Hawaii.

Congressman Bishop is a former history teacher.  Makes you wonder what he pumped into the heads of his students.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and I intend to return home in the near future. If Bishop has his way, I would be harassed, controlled, patrolled and run out of the Parish. But I don't think this will happen. There is no way the duck-hunters, or the oil and gas companies, would allow even Homeland Security to close hunting, recreational and commercial access. Odd bedfellows indeed.
