Tuesday, July 05, 2011


The Albuquerque Journal is on a mission to destroy a basic piece of infrastructure in New Mexico.  The Rail Runner.  They don't like that it costs more than its revenues, just like any public transportation system. Also, since a democratic governor created it, Bill Richardson, it is suspect.  If the Journal were to apply its profit philosophy to themselves, then they should close their doors immediately because they sure are in the red.

Today the Journal published a big photo of Isotopes Stadium with a record crowd.  When, as Mayor,  I pursued public support for building this venue they did everything they could to make it difficult.  The stadium has turned into a big money maker for the city and will pay for its construction costs ahead of schedule.  Continuous revenues will pour in from the city's share of the concession.

I said they other day I would vote for Marty Chavez if he were the democratic nominee for congress.  But then I think about how he put a plaque with his name on the stadium after sitting on the sidelines in trying to get it built.  I had just left office before the place went operational.  Typical Marty Chavez ego problems.  Do we need that in congress?

That race could be getting another entrant anyway.  Former Sandia Pueblo Governor Stuart Paisano might jump in.  I hope he does.  It is about time we have a native american congressman.  And he is a moderate.

1 comment:

  1. I surely hope that the ABQ Journal doesn't have that much power, though I am all too aware how they create the perception that the train is a losing proposition.
