Tuesday, August 02, 2011


I am not usually at a loss for words.  But I find it difficult to express my rage when it comes to how the rich and corporate America are so severely screwing our people.  The rich will pay no increased taxes.  They own the Congress and Senate and get what ever they want on the federal level.  The US Supreme Court has turned over government control to corporate America by allowing unlimited corporate spending to push their own candidates and policies.  In New Mexico our Governor is now doing the bidding or the oil and gas industry by weakening our clean air and water regulations.  How does that help us?

Our democratic elected officials, with the exception of Ben Ray Lujan, vote to pass a bill that helps only the rich.  They argue they had to to prevent another recession.  What bull shit.  One friend tells me that he thinks no incumbent official will be reelected.  I agree.  I might even include President Obama in that crowd.  He has turned into a non entity or a 'tool' at best.  He has been had by lunatic fringe called the Tea Party who seem to be anarchists.

New Mexico will find out just how bad the passage of this 'compromise' will be soon.  We have always depended on federal funds and now they will be drastically cut.  I  have no doubt we will lose a military base.  We will lose funding for the state's federal workforce.  Our eminent National Labs will take a hit.  Our renewable energy industry will be devastated while oil and gas still gets subsidies.  And still most of  us pay more taxes that multi millionaires.

We hear about the 'Arab Street' in the middle east.  Soon, we need to prepare for an 'American Street' in our country and all the anguish and chaos it will bring.


  1. Thank you.

    And thank you to Ben Ray Lujan.

  2. As an independent, I voted for Obama because of a Bush regime that nearly brought this ground to its knees, and for promised change in Washington politics. Revealing little backbone, Obama has given in to a formidable foe. Thus, unless the alternative is worse, Obama won't be getting my vote in 2012.

  3. We live in an oligarchy, pure and simple. The democratic process is just to keep the proles thinking the game isn't fixed. The business of America is business, after all...

  4. Thanks for summing it up. I am puzzled that Bingaman and Udall voted for this one. I saw this bill described as "the perfect combination of stupid and evil".
