Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Score one for the Obama administration in its denial for funding to the Catholic Church because of their refusal to refer women for family planning issues under a program that helps victims of human trafficking and modern day slavery.  The church through its Conference of Bishops had received funding in the past but now has been passed over in favor of other organizations.  It is ironical that the church would on one hand want to help victims of slavery, and then make them slaves to the church's anti family planning policies.  Just plain weird.

Score another one for the Obama crew in discovering the Country's Antiquities Act which has been used by many other presidents, including republicans.  That Act will be used today to proclaim the Fort Monroe National Monument in Virginia.  It is only 500 acres, but it is a glimmer of hope for us folks in the West who strive to get monuments proclaimed on western landscapes worthy of protection.  Now, lets see the White House take on the 'Lords of Yesterday' in the west.  That would be the oil and gas, coal, and mining industries.  Their motto is, "Give us your land, give  us your money, and leave  us alone."

And finally, I was reminded by a friend today to mention something.  What ever happened to the 64,000 cases of voter fraud in New Mexico?  Governor Martinez and her Secretary of State clone made a big deal out of that number and told the state police to investigate it.  They politely told her they had better things to do.  Now, can we suppose that it was all just a political attack on everyone except right wing republicans?  All rolled out for barrels of ink usage by the Albuquerque Journal?

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