Friday, December 16, 2011

Coffee Chatter

My friend Arturo and I were bemused this morning over the flap of Legislative Representative Sheryl Williams Stapleton's racist rant against the Governor.  She called Martinez the 'mexican on the fourth floor.'  She gave an apology yesterday at a news conference but did not invite Channel 13 news who have been after her for taking a salary from APS while serving on committees and during the sessions.  She showed her vindictiveness has not lessened.  At the same time it is humorous and the Governor and her right wing handlers, Pat Rogers, Mickey Barnett, and Jay McClesky have not apologized for demonizing undocumented Mexican workers in our communities who legally applied for and received state driver's licenses.  I think it would be fitting for the Governor to do that now.  Don't hold your breath.

We also talked a little about the Bernalillo County Commission's lack of comment on the tax money being offered to Lowe's Home Improvement Center to locate a call center here.  Given Lowe's proven bigotry against Muslim Americans they should at least state what their position is on continuing this funding.  Why has the Albuquerque Journal not asked this question?  Or any other news media?  Sure, these meager paying jobs look good right now, but at what cost to American ideals?

We also lamented the passing of Lisa Breeden, former journalist and aide to Pete Domenici.  Lisa always had a smile and a wink on every thing she worked on.  She died from lung cancer at the age of 56.  Way to soon.


  1. Local Lowe's stores can't be blamed for their inane corporate decisions, and boycotting the store just hurts local economies.

    As for Rep. Stapleton calling the governor "Mexican", I'm sure she knows how it feels declaring herself half "Spanish".

  2. It's time for somebody to primary Rep. Stapleton.
