Monday, December 05, 2011


We didn't get a real flake of snow at our home in the North Valley last night.  Other parts of Albuquerque were under a nice blanket of snow.  Apparently the flakes destined for us were blown away by canyon winds blowing into the center of the city.

Speaking of flakes, Newt Gingrich is the flake of the month for the GOP.  Flakes flitter back and forth.  Just last summer Newt's open accounts at Tiffany's in New York blew him back into the clouds but he is now floating down around our necks again.  His supporters call him a great idea man.  He had an idea he could be a high priced lobbyist earning millions from the healthcare conglomerates, but all the while calling  him self a citizen who just helps people.  He is an evil man.

I will soon think the editors at the Journal are flakes if they don't look into Mickey Barnett and Pat Rodgers influence on the Martinez administration and their connections to the recently rushed through lease for the racino at the Fair Grounds.  These two extreme right wing GOP operatives seem to be mostly invisible to the media.  They are running the show for Susanna Martinez and ought to be profiled.  When this racino at the Expo was nurtured by the Richardson administration there was no lack of coverage.

1 comment:

  1. We're still getting flaked on up here in Tijeras and we've already got 15" of the white stuff on the ground as of 11am. I had to go dig out our chickens when the snow blocked their doorway. They were feeling cooped up inside their house.

    Baby It's Cold Outside!
