Friday, December 23, 2011


We are going to have a subdued Holiday this year.  None our our kids will be here nor will by brother Tom's.  It is the first time ever I can remember that happening.  But thank the digital gurus for inventing Skype!  We will be able to see them all and the grandkids on real time computer screens.  They just won't be able to sample the posole and tamales this year.  Too bad.

Not a lot of gifts exchanging hands this year.  We find that young couples need a nice check in the mail to get what they need, rather than what we think they need.  We used to do a gift exchange drawing at Thanksgiving where every one reached into a hat full of names and then bought a small gift for the person they drew.  We don't do that anymore since we never seem to be all in one place at the same time.  Times change.  Time certainly marches on.

Here are some gifts I think need to be handed out to well known people or groups.  I hope they get them.

  1. A sense that environmental issues that affect us all on the planet are important for President Obama.
  2. A realization that the GOP needs to shed its 'crazy' wing nuts who seem to be running the party so it can be a respected political group again.
  3. A show of courage and new leadership to the democrats in congress in fighting those crazies.
  4. A resolve on Governor Susanna Martinez's part that she will no longer listen to those who feel that demonizing undocumented workers is a good thing.
  5. A realization by the fossil fuels industry that they should no longer try and run our nation with political donations and that they use their business expertise to develop renewables in a profitable way.
  6. A happier outlook on life to bloggers who whine in 90% of their blogs.  
Happy Holidays to you all! Peace on Earth!


  1. Merry Christmas, Jim. Enjoy the posole and tamales Christmas Eve. I think we'll just sit tight and wait for family and Santa - 2 foot of snow here so far!

  2. Don't forget Gift #7:
    A happier outlook on life to bloggers who gripe, complain, and criticize everyone and everything, in 90% of their blogs.

    We're enjoying a very white Christmas this year with over two feet of snow up here.

    A Merry Christmas to you and a Very Happy New Year, too!


  3. Thanks for allowing your readers to comment and whine about politics and commentary. Unlike Joe Monahan, you, Heath Hausseman, and others allow real time responses and opinion. Monahan seems to prefer using email to minimize or suppress responses.
