Wednesday, January 04, 2012


This morning at coffee with a friend an old time republican moderate came up to me with a 10,000 mile stare and said, "Rick Santorum....Rick Santorum.....Ahhhhhhhh!"  At least this development is chasing out other unfit candidates today.  First Bachmann and soon Texas Governor Perry.

This really happened and it indicates to me those few remaining thinking moderate republicans are adrift in a sea of disbelief.  I have to jump right in with them in watching a guy who can't tie his shoes come into a dead heat with his party's only hope, Mitch Romney.  What we are seeing here is historic.  Brought to us by the evangelical christians of the Iowa corn belt.  And frankly, all brought to us by a teensy tiny percentage of American Voters.  What a system!

The Board of Regents showed some courage in picking Kent State's Provost Bob Frank as the University of New Mexico's 21st President.  This was the candidate that the faculty disliked.  They will probably see this as a pretty big poke in the eye but some folks that I know think he is a very talented guy and he will win the faculty over.  If they give him a chance.

Today I embark on that great American calling.  I have been summoned to be a Juror in the Albuquerque Metro Court.  I have never served as a juror before because of my political offices.  I was always automatically released from such duties as no one would want me on their juries while holding elected or appointed office.  It will be interesting to see if that still is the case.

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