You will remember when Lowe's Home Centers pulled ads from a show about American Muslims at the request of some christian wacko group in Florida. At the same time Bernalillo County Commissioners were getting ready to give tax incentives to Lowe's for locating a call center here. I sent an email to Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins to see what she was thinking on the discriminatory act. Then I sent another email. And another. And another. And never even was given the courtesy of a reply. Her aide responded that she would get back to me when Maggie was ready to state a position. Lowe's never responded to my email either.
The Albuquerque Journal's latest bias is against illiterate people who work for the state. They are upset that such a person worked for the NM Expo and the Richardson administration should have done something about it. That person was hired during the Gary Johnson administration. Apparently that person did the job of collecting refuse around the grounds. I guess the Journal thinks this illiterate person should be unemployed and homeless. The Journal was trying to use this person as an example of a flawed state personnel department. It was a heartless example.
Jury duty is still on but my group was excused today. Yesterday I went to be interviewed with 21 other folks for a DWI case, but I wasn't chosen to serve. Judge Linda Rogers impressed me with her demeanor towards us and she was very clear in her questions. Seven were chosen. I was sent back to the bull pen and then called again and told that I would undergo another interview several hours later. We left for lunch and exercise and returned to wait for the call. Judge Sandra Engel and an Asst. District Attorney then came down to apologize for the delay and said the case had been settled. They were very polite and professional. So far the experience has been positive.
The Albuquerque Journal is so biased it is a pity. Seems to be out to keep ex Governor Richardson in the limelight, bad limelight.