Wednesday, April 04, 2012

GOP to NM.."Go To Hell"

The budget being bannered by the republican GOP Congress is really a 'go to hell' message for New Mexico.  The Land of Enchantment depends on federal funds for a good part of its employment base.  It depends on safety net funded federal dollars to help alleviate poverty in our state and on our native american lands.  It is great to see Obama, who really knows little of the west, at least pushing back strongly on that budget.

I am so apathetic when it comes to hearing about the GOP presidential primary.  Surely more that half of the voter population could care less.  People will perk up when the clownish republicans finally settle on one candidate.  I know I will.

I marvel at how attorneys in the reapportionment court cases in New Mexico are ripping off the public coffers for suing over minor moves of district lines in districted political races.  Some democrats and republicans are soaking us while ignoring the fact that their actions in draining the treasury just make it harder to give assistance to the disabled and poverty stricken in New Mexico.  One wonders if they really have a conscience.  I hope the judge in the cases cuts their  billing claims by 90%.  Millions of dollars could be saved.

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