Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journal Shows Colors

The Albuquerque Journal showed their true colors on partisanship today when, after running an oped from a left of center group, they then did a news story on how some facts in the oped were questionable.  I don't think I have ever seen this before.  Their right wing nut case contributors from the Rio Grande Foundation continually send in opeds with egregiously bad facts and logic, but I have never seen the editor at the Journal call them out in a news story.  If this doesn't show how right wing our daily newspaper is, then nothing will.

A recent Pew Trust poll showed that most people still inform themselves by reading newspapers.  Well now we have the Fox News version of print journalism right here in the Duke City.  I bet if the job market for journalists didn't suck so bad right now that there would be no ethical folks left at the paper.


  1. The journal is a fine newspaper, Jim. Quit bashing it all the time.

  2. The Journal is a fine newspaper as long as you don't mind right wing propaganda passing for real news. Just like Fox!

  3. @ABQJ: The Journal is as consistently right-wing a piece of fishwrap as I've ever seen. I have to take Jim's word that there are still some ethical people working there.

  4. The Journal selectively goes after people who, for the most part, end up never having done anything wrong. It's a rag that's poor on content and saturated with ads. I quit it months ago.

  5. I've had it with the Urinal. Ages ago, AGES, there was a fairly popular bumper sticker around town the said, "There killing perfectly good trees to put out a bad newspaper". The only difference now is that the paper is (hopefully) recycled and there's a lot less used than there was before. I'm fed up with them. I'm letting my subscription lapse at the end of the current increment. It's too much money to pay for nothing of value.

  6. The Journal is and will always be a tool for the right. Living in California as I have been for 20 years, every time I return to
    Albuquerque I cringe when I open its pages...
