Monday, April 02, 2012


I have been watching the seemingly endless parade of legislators who are trying to keep their opponents off the ballot with asinine lawsuits revolving around nominating petitions not having a number on them.  What a bunch of gutless rubes!  Get in there and practice politics of the ballot box instead of getting lawyers to evade giving people a vote.  Its bad enough that most legislators don't even have opponents.

The parade of the bizarre continues in the community of Sunland Park in southern New Mexico.  After the debacle of the last city election in which the winner of the Mayor's race was arrested and not allowed to take office after blackmailing his opponent, we now find out the last Mayor took a road trip to Washington, DC on 'official business' but missed all of his appointments because he got lost in the big city.  It cost that poverty stricken town almost $2500.  It might be time for the local government's division of the State of NM finance department to take over the administration of that city.  And quickly.

The Albuquerque Journal is opining today that it would be wrong to keep politicians from speaking on public school campuses.  I agree with them.  However, back in 2001 when I was running for reelection as Mayor I gave a speech at Monte Vista Elementary School in the north east heights and was immediately assailed by the Journal for misusing public school property.  Oh!  That's right!  I was a democrat and opponent of urban sprawl so naturally I was a subversive to the then emerging right wing Journal editorial board.

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