Saturday, April 14, 2012

Opening Night

We celebrated the tenth season at Isotopes Park baseball stadium.  That is the one we got funded and built during my term as Mayor.  It is turning a very good profit for the city.

The team honored the Back in Baseball Committee that worked so hard on the project.  Rodger Beimer was a real force on the committee.

Bobbi and I enjoyed the game.

Our friends Wayne and Ruth Glass came in from L.A. for the opener.  He is an avid baseball fan and spent a lot to time as a kid at Tingley Field watching the Dukes.


  1. Jim,
    Thank you for all you have done to keep minor league baseball alive and well in Albuquerque. Your efforts are much appreciated by all of us who see the true gem we had and continue to enjoy.
    Wren Propp
    Santa Fe, NM

  2. I agree with that. A city should have a minor league baseball team. It just should.

    They have very good attendance, too, excellent, really. Major league teams have drawn fewer fans per year, really.

    KRQE has something on it and goes into the economics of it.

    Well, it had a reporter go down there and talk to them and repeat what they told him.

    You are referred to, but under the strange, North Korea like title of "city leaders" -- was there more than one of you? -- and you eventually morph into Raymond Berry later on in the story. It's very entertaining.

  3. Jim,
    The stadium is indeed a credit to you and Rodger. I remember being with you a short period of time on that opening night 10 years ago,you were as proud as a father of a new born! Congrats to the team and your leadership.
    Ron Curry
