Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Warren

Warren Buffett
Head Honcho
Berkshire Hathaway

June 12, 2012

Dear Mr. Buffett,

I understand you are out buying newspapers.  You are probably the only one in the world doing this right now and you have an uncanny way of making money so you are probably going to score big on this gambit.  And at the same time you might be able to put the profession of Journalist back into a revered position.

But the reason I am writing you is to beg you to please buy the Albuquerque Journal.  You could probably get a pretty good deal on it.  Their cost cutting has turned it into a ghost of its former self, but there is still much potential there because people here want a real newspaper instead of an ink using version of Fox News.  You see, the publisher and Editor are right wing and they are ruining a once great newspaper.  Well, kind of great anyway.  They didn't get this story which deserves to be run.  It was dug up by an independent PAC.  It will be interesting to see if they write a story about it.  I think some of the real journalist there will insist.

So, please send me the person who does your newspaper buying  and I will gladly gather some people for him that could give him about one million reasons why this would be a good thing to do.  Mostly for the state of New Mexico.


Jim Baca


  1. Jim, I hope you really send this letter. Wouldn't it be nice to have a real newspaper for Albuquerque.

  2. A real newspaper in Albuquerque! Wow, that would be a hit. Although I still receive this poor thin piece of paper, I dump the whole middle section which on Sunday is twice as large as the newspaper, almost all my friends no longer subscribe because they find nothing in it for them and slanted partisan news and editorials (not to mention the really bad political cartoons). I think the paper provides little to no service/informaiton for a city of Albuquerque's size. They don't even publish a chain of the movies anymore in their Venue section on Fridays (apparently they no longer pay the Journal for an ad) so I can't even get the full movie schedule for ABQ! This is a market that could very much benefit from a good newspaper. It has a large Metro area, plenty of businesses to support advertising...

  3. This blog put quite a smile on my face!
