Monday, July 30, 2012


Mitt Romney wants to start a war in the Middle East by threatening Iran.  Is he channeling bush/cheney?  He would rather bomb the crap out of another country than start rebuilding America.  This is the modern republican way.

The Martinez administration is dragging its feet on completing a tax study that will show where subsidies go in this state.  Is she worried about the amount that will be shown pouring into the oil and gas industry as they continue to soak the citizens with prices designed to create windfall profits?  She says that the study cant be finished until next year.  After the elections.  She says she wants also to show how much money is lost by non profits not paying taxes.  That is fair, but only if we see how much is lost in taxes not paid by religious organizations.  Especially those who rent out their facilities to other groups.

What is it with NBC and beach volley ball?  Surely there is something more demanding of extended Olympics TV coverage than that inane two person in the sand romp.  I think it is all about hard bodies and sex.  Real volley ball is much better.

Bobbi and I are starting our planning ritual for out trip to Russia in three weeks.  There are twelve of us New Mexicans going on the trip.  We fly to Moscow for three days of touring.  Then seven days on a River Boat.  We sail on the MS Tolstoy with 160 folks for stops along the Volga and other waterways.  Then we disembark for three days in St. Petersburg.  It should be fun and different.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012

    Damn you and your trips. You go every place I want to go.

    Seriously though, good for you. I read a lot about Russia, the politics, the Russian novelists (the time of the czars!) and one of the podcasts I listen to is a Russian history professor interviewing other Russian history professors about new Russian history books they've just come out with. That country has an amazingly rich history. It's like no other place on earth.

    To me, Moscow and St Petersburg would be must sees with so much of the history occurring in just those two cities, and with their magnificent architecture and some of the world's greatest art and so on, but you're getting out into Russia, too.

    I say that because, a couple times, I've heard people talk about Moscow and then add, "But Moscow isn't Russia." Referring to the countryside, the farmland, villages that make you feel like you're back in the 18th century.

    Bring lots of film (har). Bring several spare cameras. I'll be looking forward to this. Say Hi to Tolstoy for me. And definitely Lenin. Of course Lenin.
