Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I will be out of town for a couple of days.  Yeah, playing golf at Pendaires.  Have to get a lot of games in before cold weather and possible knee surgery.  Life is too short!


  1. okay, after all those trips to the Mediterranean, Europe and South America, NOW you get to wish YOU were THERE.
    I've got tee times at Poppy Hills, Spyglass Hill, Pebble Beach and Pasatiempo next week!

  2. Ed Schultz just had back surgery and says he doesn't know why he waited so long. He had surgery over the weekend and walked to work today. Hopefully one way or the other you can get back to running.

    I hope you enjoy your golf outing. I'm actually thinking about taking some lessons. Just not golf lessons.


    I'd like to take lessons to learn how to sing like those Russian men in the soundtrack to your movie (a few posts ago; the movie is very cool.) Somebody played some kind of Russian male choral music on one of my podcasts once and I really like it. It must be a tradition over there? I don't think there's been a lot of male choral music here, unless you count barbershop quartets.

    There is some Russian male choral music here:

    And here is The Internationale in 40 languages.

    If you look on that page you may see a couple pictures of things that look familiar.
