Wednesday, January 02, 2013


I had this feeling that the Congress settling on the figure of $450,000  for higher taxes might take into account what the member and his family might be earning.  Do you think?  Having said that, I don't think people realize that the salary for these guys of $179,000 is not enough to support a home back in their state and a residence in DC.  That is why you saw guys like Martin Heinrich sleeping on the floor of his office in DC.  Members like him with no wealth face a tough road.

Yesterday afternoon as we were walking into see a movie downtown one of the TV News guys was standing alone with a microphone stuck out in front of the lens asking people what they thought of the 'fiscal cliff'.  It was a typical modern TV news story.  It required no real journalism or investigation.  It is what they do best.  I told him on camera to go out and do a real story that required some real work.  I doubt that made the news last night.

One of the things that is really aggravating me is watching TV commercials from two bit lawyers urging people to file for Social Security disability.  And of course the lawyer says he will take a cut if he is successful.  There are currently 8.7 million people collecting such checks.  And we wonder why Social Security is spending to much.   Even as a left of center kind of guy I don't think it should be easy to get this disability without a lot of investigation.  I don't mind helping people who are down on their luck, but I don't like freeloaders living their lives on fraudulent claims brought by desperate lawyers.

Also, we are in that period after the holidays of endless TV ads that sell stuff like ear wax removers and headlight restorers.  Why not just transfer the ear wax to the headlight?


  1. That's funny! The joke and the interview. You're on a roll.

    I see your point on the $179,000 salary and two homes, from one angle. And DC may be expensive, and there is commuting, but if that is not reimbursed it would be deductible, as would the 2nd residence I'd think.

    From another angle, that salary is more than three times as much as I've ever made in one year, $55,000, and I was buying one house with that.

    The median income is around 50k, so half of Americans are getting by on less.

  2. Michelle MeadersJanuary 02, 2013

    "Having said that, I don't think people realize that the salary for these guys of $179,000 is enough to support a home back in their state and a residence in DC."

    Didn't you mean to include a "not"? And college costs are probably large for many of them.

  3. Big boys and girls should be in Congress that means those who can budget. Oh, wait a minute...
