Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wait a Minute

I have to admit I was kind of mesmerized as they waited to announce the new Pope.  As a person raised in the Catholic faith and schools you never really get away from the dogma.  Especially the guilt, but I digress.  Although no longer a church member I love to watch the drama involved in the operations of the 1 billion member religion.  The Pope thing has always interested me quite a bit because of the seeming democratic process for appointing a new one.  That is about all of a democratic process  you will see though in this organization.  It is pretty much top down management.

The new Pope is the first Jesuit, the first South American, and the first non European in the modern era to be elected.  But wait a minute, isn't Bergoglio an Italian name?

He looked to be a pretty down to earth guy with some vigor in him.  He looks like a Pope.  His job will be the toughest in centuries as the church tries to grapple with modern day life.  If he can't find a way of liberalizing then this church will be on its way out.  Since he is on top, then maybe this is one time when the church can change.  If he wishes it.

I bet it would be fun to be in Buenos Aires tonight.


  1. Religion is religion. If it was the truth then it is the truth now. The word of God does not change.

  2. So, if it wasn't true then it isn't now? That last statement defies comprehension. Really.

  3. Well does the word of God change?

  4. It did for meat on Fridays. One time when it was a mortal sin to do that I ate a hot dog on Friday. Will I still go to hell?

  5. You are confusing Catholic Churgh dogma with the word of God which supposedly comes from the bible. They arenot the same, never have been.

  6. They are the same. Dogma and Bible. They were both developed by old men, mostly illiterate in the bible's case, as a way of controlling the human race.

  7. Lol, Not even a Christian here and with a thought process like that I know I will never win that argument. I give up.
