Monday, March 18, 2013


The insiders at the Legislature may or may not be happy with the outcome of the session.  Mostly, I am just glad it is over.  I followed it more than most.  The average citizen doesn't follow it at all.  They may form some kind of overall impression of the yearly congregation as a result of news coverage.  This year it might be an impression that everyone compromised at the end.  These days that looks good for all part time observers but the legislators and Governor probably don't like it.

The biggest failure is to approve background checks for firearms purchases at gun shows.  The lines for buyers remain safe for paranoid schizophrenics to buy the assault rifle of their choice.

The corporate tax cut over a period of years is questionable.  But it is hardly a sell out by the Democrats who got their own tax cuts of sort in the film incentive program.  I am sure there are some other special interest laws that were passed that we don't know about, but that is the way it all works.

The overall winners here are the Governor, Speaker of the House Ken Martinez, and special interest lobbyists who got tax breaks for their clients.

Of course, all of this is eclipsed by the Lobo mania and the Governor being invited by Obama to represent the US at the Pope's inaugural.  One would have to say that was a bipartisan move.


  1. It was a very smart move on Obama's part. He has a Republican, a Hispanic, and critic all in one package accompanying him to Rome. Of course, Big Bill beat her to it since he was in Rome (at the Pope's invitation) after the state death penalty was repealed. I noticed the Journal did not mention this when they wrote about Susana's trip.

  2. Many would argue that the biggest failure of this Legislative Session was to once again fail to pass any meaningful ethics legislation - The magical unicorn of NM Politics.
