Friday, May 31, 2013

Divide and Conquer

The Martinez Administration must be having a good laugh this morning as the news media is now chewing off their own leg in debating whose story is correct on the possible ongoing investigation of bid rigging in the awarding of the Albuquerque Racino license.  The highly respected Santa Fe Reporter has been attacked by KRQE'S so called news department for putting out a bad story on this whole mess.  The Reporter is demanding a retraction from KRQE and after reading political blogger Joe Monahan this morning I think Channel 13 has some soul searching to do.  The TV news operation seems to have some incestuous relationships with the Governor's gangs.

Once this gets all sorted out I hope someone will actually keep looking into the Racino issue.  The public has a need to know if this high stakes bid award was done properly or not.  I understand that whenever government is involved in one of these there will be allegations made no matter how pure the process was.  It has always been up the the independent press to figure out the truth.  Maybe the first solid step is the just announced indictment of the republican operative who leaked the emails that started this whole ball rolling.  Hang on for an ever increasing fast ride on all of this.

Of course the problem here is that there is little capacity left in this country and state for real journalism anymore.  I don't think little grant funded news websites can get the job done because they are only around for the duration of the grant.  And then the charges can always be made that the investigations are tainted by the grant makers bias.


  1. AnonymousMay 31, 2013

    Censorship is what we really need to be concerned about. It is a sad state when we who really want the truth have look for it in alternative newspapers and blogs. If you rely on local TV and the Journal, you will live in the land of make believe sans Mr Rodgers.

  2. too muchMay 31, 2013

    Mrs Smith goes to Washington to get paid:

    Washington (CNN) - Congressional leaders, potential presidential candidates and party elders will come together next week in the nation’s capital to help fill New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez’s political war chest, CNN has learned.

  3. Enquiring MindMay 31, 2013

    Former reserve officer David Young is suing the Journal for defamation and so far he is winning. The Journal's demands that the judge dismiss the case have been denied.

  4. AnonymousJune 01, 2013

    Joe Monahan had an unusual Saturday post. Andrea Goff admitted she was interviewed by the FBI about the Downs deal. Seems to me that the Journal and KRQE owe the Santa Fe Reporter an apology.

  5. AnonymousJune 01, 2013


    Joe Monahan put out a special edition of his blog for Saturday June 1. WOW! It blows the lid off the Casino in Albuquerque. A high player with Susanna has publicly admitted she has been interviewed by the FBI regarding the Albuquerque Downs and not the email gate.

    If I remember correctly Berry appointed John Garcia to sit on the three person board that determined who would get the 25 year lease. The emails show the fix was in the entire time. Susanna and KRQE (darren white's old station) said it was all a lie. Surprise Surprise, Andrea Goff has released a statement (to Monahan?) that admits she has been questioned by the feds over the awarding of the lease. Gosh would Susanna and KRQE lie to the public over something like this? It seems where ever Darren White goes scandal follows. Berry's election is going to take a huge hit to his personality poll now that he is going to be connected to an FBI corruption investigation.

    This would figure though. Berry's APD is under DOJ investigation, so now Berry (and John Garcia, Darren White, McCleskey, etc) are all under FBI investigation. Wonder what the voting public will think of Berry now?

    This election just got interesting.

  6. AnonymousJune 02, 2013

    All but denied....
