Friday, September 13, 2013


Talk about rainy days.  INTEL is laying off 400 employees from their Albuquerque plant.  The meltdown of the state's economy continues under Governor Susannah Martinez.  Even after she gave tax breaks to large profitable corporations the economy under her watch is falling apart.  Those tax breaks only helped folks like INTEL.  Not the struggling business who aren't making enough money to be taxed.

When will the public wake up to the Governor being nothing more than a right wing mascot for the likes of the Koch brothers.  Much like the Albuquerque Journal who couldn't bring it self to say these people are being fired, but rather 'redeployed.'

I have lived here my whole life and can not remember more ineffectual political leaders as we currently have.  Wake up New Mexico!



  2. Start by voting Berry out of office!

  3. Help gather signatures. An investigatory grand jury can only help everyone and we can clean up our own problems and not rely on the DOJ:

  4. I agree. We need spotlights turned on a berry, Susana, and their allies. This only happens through justice.

  5. The majority of those who vote for Berry and Martinez are not voting because they think the city is doing fine. They are voting against "those people", which includes poor people, people of color, and any woman who does not want to be owned by a man. They are ignorant, scared, mostly white people, who have made up a Disney version of America, where straight white people who believe in "Free Market Jesus", rule. They believe they earned their Medicare and SS benefits, their public school educations, but "those people" are unworthy of the "big government" programs that helped create a middle class. They are afraid of losing privileged status as "real Americans".
    Rich people use this fear to get their way. It has nothing to do with ideology, or economics, which they make up as they go along. The teabaggers are screwing their own grandchildren because they are so scared of America really becoming "E Pluribus Unum."

  6. Anonymous

    I actually like it that you allow anonymous comments. It gets you some good comments you might not get otherwise, like these.

    Unknown, that is one breathtaking, thunderclap of a comment. So well written and leads to a place no one is really addressing yet.

    I worry about it sometimes. Clinging to privilege has had some pretty bad, long drawn out results. But will "America" have to decide who it really is, or will there be so many Americans who haven't bought into the Pilgrim myth and the Disney fantasy that it simply fades away, the random shrieking tea bagger's voice drowned out by Salsa music? I don't know.

  7. Unknown, have you canvassed all of Bernallilo County? I have canvassed in every neighborhood in Bernallilo for liberal candidates and issues for the past three years. I have talked to Democrats, Republicans, Independents etc... There are "people of color" that are conservative Democrats that vote for Republicans. The Northeast Heights, Westside and the North Valley are full of Democratic hispanics that voted Republican in the 2010 and the 2012 elections. These people voted for Heather Wilson. There were white Republicans that supported raising the minimum wage and signed the petitions last year, because I got their signatures. Most of the people that supported the minimum wage were retired or made more than the minimum wage. The tea party people are not all white there are people of color that are far right conservatives too.
    Unknown please go door to door and listen to what people think without judgement before you post far left 1960 marxist talking points. Maybe it will expand your view of the world. I'm sick of the propaganda that all U.S. political payers push on the public in order to divide people, because it is not objective,and its not solving any problems. We shouldn't be demonizing people because of their political views.
    Last thing that I have for you is a lot of these poor people of color don't bother to vote, sign petitions or care. I know because I tried to get them to vote. How bad do things need to get before they wake up and participate in bettering Albuquerque?

  8. Latina from Nuevo MexicoSeptember 15, 2013

    What the What What? I commend your willingness to canvas and ask the residents of Albuquerque their thoughts on various topics. Given your canvassing efforts, perhaps you will familiar with the concept of "voter disenfranchisement". Most individuals who have felony convictions do not realize that can regain the right to vote after they have successfully completed their sentence. Not to mention that the poor have been disenfranchised for years. In the great wisdom of our modern US Supreme Court (sarcasm intended here), the Supremes shut down the Voting Rights Act because, in their view, racism is no longer as big a deal as it was in the 1960s. In New Mexico, under this Governor, there have been long, expensive legal battles over voting rights and redistricting.

    Prior to Gov. M, a U.S. District Court judge found that the state had violated the Voting Rights Act because New Mexico it "had failed to provide voter registration services at public assistance offices" further disenfranchising the poor.

    Maybe you can find some compassion, empathy and sympathy for those who you claim refuse to vote despite your request that "we shouldn't be demonizing people".

  9. Re Anonymous #5, Unknown's comment is more of a polemic than a prescription for a solution - it's meant to wake people up. As a polemic it's excellent.

    It generalizes a lot. We use generalization to make sense of the world, of the whole. Poll numbers are generalizations. Marxist ideology, if the polemic contains any, is a way of generalizing that has become part of modern thinking. When you hear a phrase like "You're the product of your environment," that's Marxism. When you said: "Most of the people that supported the minimum wage were retired or made more than the minimum wage," that was a generalization.

    The anomalies to the general trend that you point out do exist and should be taken into account, but it's hard to make sense of anything if you just look at the trees and can't see the forest. It's hard to design policy around anomalies. Policies should be designed to benefit the whole and protect vulnerable minorities, but never to benefit a privileged minority.

    You say we shouldn't demonize people because of their political views. But Republicans, among other things, are making it harder for people of color to vote and consciously use race baiting as part of their strategy. What's not to demonize?

    Nice Republicans can just as easily vote for a minimum wage after they leave the Republican Party and denounce its racism.

    But they don't leave it and they don't denounce its racism. Why?

    Because the desire to hold on to privilege that Unknown talks about works primarily at an unconscious level, as do a lot of things we aren't consciously aware of. If we acknowledged some of those things we couldn't live with ourselves, and couldn't enjoy our privilege.

  10. @Bubba,
    Right on. There were generalities in what I wrote. But I see these attitudes of grievance on the hard right so much in the media, and I don't think most people feel that way, and it irks me that it gets so much power over our discourse. Feeling like your status is eroding, both economically and socially, is traumatic to people. I get that. But it's happening to everyone who isn't very wealthy. We all need to get that.
