Thursday, September 26, 2013

NSA Wired

Last year I lost about 30 pounds on weight watchers.  I gained back about seven after my knee replacement surgery.  I am trying to lose that plus another 15.  My wife Bobbi recently got one of these gadgets that my daughter refers to as a 'body bug'.  You wear it on your arm and it measures how many calories, steps, exercise and hours of good sleep you get.  It also ties in with your smart phone and you enter the amount of food you ingest  and it lets you know if you are losing weight everyday.  She is losing weight.  So, I bought one in my latest battle with fat.  This is a 50 year war and I aim to win it.  I wonder if the NSA is tracking my food through my cell phone?  If they are I hope they send some encouragement to me.  That feed back is important you know.  I mean it would be one positive thing for all the taxes we send them.


  1. That's pretty interesting. I just got to thinking about the possibilities of the technology and one is it could give you the history of the food you're eating going back to the farm and what was put on the crop and what kind of seeds were used.

    Corporations would try get in on it, of course. I'd probably get the free version, where every time I took a bit of my green chile cheeseburger I'd receive a text telling me to get some fries.

  2. I love those great big green chili burgers you showed on your blog, and the other yummy stuff you post when you are on vacation; maybe it would help you to stay away from some of that stuff! Just sayin. . .
