Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Here we go again. As Mayoral candidate Pete Dinelli tries to keep Mayor Berry from reaching the 50% mark so there can be a run-off election, The Albuquerque Journal throws another gem into the Mayor's campaign.  That would be a front page photo of the Mayor and the country's Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz schmoozing around at Sandia National Labs.  Congress Ben Ray Lujan was there too.  But this photo did so many things in so many ways for the Mayor.  He is shown at Albuquerque's premier employer, funded by federal tax dollars by the way.  He is rubbing shoulders with national leaders at one of America's best research facilities.  He looks non partisan hanging with Lujan from the north.

Meanwhile, on the business page is a story that Albuquerque has essentially the worst home sales value in the top metro markets in the USA.  But nary a quote from the Mayor.  Pete Dinelli must want to blow himself up!

On another matter I was happy to see Senator Tom Udall take one of his rare public stands.  Usually, he will say he is watching an issue carefully and researching it.  So then he doesn't have to take a position and possibly scare off voters who might not agree with him.  But this time he said what is on just about everyone's mind.  Why are we going to attack Syria?  He says the goals are vague.  I couldn't agree with him more.  Sometimes I think this whole thing is being done so some cruise missile manufacturer can open up production lines.


  1. Hi Jim,

    Did you see the news reports regarding Berry's Bosque Plan? There was a community input meeting tonight and Berry got a big surprise, the community doesn't want anything to do with his destruction of the Bosque! And the community turned out by the hundreds to let him know.

    Who else was there? Pete Dinelli held the door and shook hundreds of hands. Pete has the endorsement of the Sierra Club and Pete promises to protect our Bosque from people like Berry who would destroy it.

    I hope everyone who reads your blog, and who are concerned about our environment, vote for Dinelli. If we don't get moving Berry will destroy out beautiful Bosque in another 4 years.

    If Berry gets in just wait and he will produce a plan to allow fraking in the bosque and try to convince everyone it is good for the environment.

  2. Jim, Berry looked like the boob that he is standing there all nervous with his finger tips splayed out upon one another. I'm sure that not only did he have NO CLUE what the people were talking about, but was wondering when they were gonna spill the secrets on Dinelli's EnergizeABQ plan as after all they were at a DOE installation....

  3. Funny, I attended the meeting and not only did I NOT see Pete but I didn't hear him say anything. I did however hear and see Paul Heh at the meeting and I liked what I heard.

  4. Michelle MeadersSeptember 06, 2013

    Pete couldn't stay for the meeting, which was called on short notice because the citizens insisted on it. The Mayor wasn't there at all. Paul Heh was there, but said the Bosque had been the same for hundreds (or was it thousands) of years. That just showed he didn't know anything about the natural history and ecology of it. That's another thing the crowd was complaining about: the plan didn't seem to include any science, just landscape architecture.

    There is another one in 2 weeks: Wed. Sept. 18th, 6-8 pm, Albuq. Museum. Maybe it will be in a bigger room, and they will be better prepared for the crowd.
