Monday, October 07, 2013

Storm Coming

As I sit in front of my financial software to balance my accounts I realize this morning that a reality moment is coming towards the likes of Tea Party darling Congressman Steve Pearce.  A week from today thousands of federal employees will not get a paycheck. (My wife Bobbi included).  We can weather this storm but I can assure you that many GS 5 to 9 level employees will be scrambling towards their credit cards to make up for short falls.  Sure, congress say they will get their back pay but that doesn't help pay the bills today.  Of course, Congress gets their checks on time so they wont experience this.

This whole federal government shut down is somewhat of a joke really.  It is aimed at just a few departments and programs.  Both Obama and Congress are just acting in a theater.  The real losers are  thousands of government employees in certain agencies.  Grist for the mill!  A real shut down would last only a few hours.  Send home the FAA controllers, close the sea ports, shut down the interstate highway system for lack of safety monitoring and the closures would last about an hour before the budget was worked out.  These things would affect the likes of the Koch brothers and the other right wing business men who cooked up this partial shutdown that hurts only some people.

This kind of drama will continue to play out  until big money is taken out of political campaigns.  And by that I mean corporate money.  

1 comment:

  1. I never really noticed the buttons below each of your posts. I tried the Facebook one. Now your post is on my "Facebook Timeline" and my "Facebook Friends"in Canada, New Zealand, the Northeast, Midwest etc are reading the quote I took from the post, the middle paragraph. Then below that are your logo and the headline. If they click on one of those your whole post appears.

    It's possible your post could go viral. You may soon be "trending" on Twitter alongside Miley Cyrus. Be careful.
