Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Triage for the NM Democrats

Well, there are some hard decisions to be made coming up to the next general election in New Mexico. The Democrats have to employ triage in their strategy of getting folks elected.  Will they foolishly spend all of their time trying to get that right wing darling Susana Martinez out of office, or will they use some common sense and concentrate on the election of a Democratic Attorney General and Secretary of State?  Also, all members of the House of Representatives are up for election next year and keeping strong Democratic numbers in that body are paramount.

It is the only way to keep the Governor and her hard right political directors under control in a state that continues to suffer under lackluster leadership of Martinez and her puny economic development team.

Current Attorney General Gary King is not garnering much excitement in his efforts to take on the Governor.  That is a fact.  Just ask some Democrats including supporters of his father, Bruce King.  Other candidates looking at the Democratic primary are also very weak with little money.  It is rumored that Lawrence Rael, who ran for Lt. Governor last go around, is looking to jump in the race too.  He might be the only hopeful with an outside chance.

The Secretary of State's race is very winnable for the Dems with Maggie Toulouse Oliver, currently Bernalillo County Clerk,  gearing up for the contest.  Don't forget how the Governor and her minion Secretary of State Diana Duran unilaterally took away the straight ticket voting that had existed in this state for many  years.  Duran also said some shady political advertising against some legislators carried out by the Governor was legal, when it was not legal at all.  So, this is an important race!

So, does the Democratic party have the fortitude to pick and choose who to help? 


  1. The answer to your rhetorical question is "Probably not." Despite La Susana's record of cronyism and malfeasance, she nonetheless appears unbeatable based on her extremely deep pockets, her inexplicable popularity, and the lackluster nature of her Democratic challengers.

    Maybe Howie Morales can raise money hand over fist and become the "Democratic Jesus" who can beat Martinez. I sure hope so! I certainly have a better impression of him than I do of Gary King and Linda Lopez. But can he compete on this level? He has little statewide name recognition, as far as I know. On the other hand, an unknown DA from Las Cruces beat the sitting Light Guv last time, so stranger things have happened. I think he'll have to go like gangbusters from the start to attract the attention and money he'll need to win.

    Maggie Toulouse Oliver should beat the execrable Dianna Duran easily. The only reason Dems lost the Secretary of State race last time was that our candidate was widely perceived to be either an idiot or corrupt as hell, take your pick.

    My worry is the State House. If we do not keep control, the conservadems in the Senate will turn this into a red state, which would be disastrous for the people. If Democrats don't pony up some big bucks we could lose the House based on Susana's deep pockets alone.

    This is going to be a tough cycle.

  2. Susana's record of cronyism and malfeasance? Sounds like a disease that's been in the Round House before she got there. BTW, I'm not a fan of hers, nor was I a fan of Bill's.
