Friday, November 01, 2013


The new Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell gave a speech yesterday at the National Press Club which has given some small rise in expectations from public lands conservation groups in the nation. Of course you will not have heard about it because the media is way too focused on the 'he said/she said' debate on the Affordable Care Act roll out.  Conservation issues are invisible in the media.

For those who care, Jewell hinted at the President's possible use of the Antiquities Act to declare more National Monuments in America.  Since congress is doing little on landscapes protection this might be the only way to get things done.  Congress did pass a designation for the Rio Grande del Norte Monument in northern NM due to the full support of the delegation and local communities.  Jewell is also insisting on the full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and a more balanced approach to energy development on public lands.

This all sounds inane to most folks.  But coming from an Obama administration official it is a breath of fresh air since President Obama has done very little up to this point on using his executive powers to protect our western landscapes.


  1. Jim,

    That is a beautiful picture. What is it of and where can I buy a copy?


  2. Photo by Adriel Heisey, Indian Country Today Media Network,
