Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I wonder if one could file a reckless endangerment suit against the Public Regulatory Commission for their decision to let dirty fossil fuels rule the day instead of renewable energy.  One could argue that the corrupt and conflicted members are endangering the future health of our children for picking coal, oil and gas as their preferred energy sources.  The same might be true for the City of Albuquerque, UNM and other governmental and private agencies who are members of the NM Industrial Energy Consumers organization that pushed for this assault on the Solar Energy Industry.  That has been a growing industry in the state that holds real promise.

And then there is the Farmington police department.  They are proud of the fact that they have received a fully armored vehicle for use in their work.  The surplus war machine was given to them by the Defense Department.  Don't you know that they are itching to use it.  It is bad enough that our police academies are turning out U.S. Marines instead of public service Police Officers.  Just look at our current shooting spree by cops all over the state.


  1. Jim,

    FYI, the "little" town of Silver City has an armored SWAT vehicle as well that I saw being refurbished this summer, it's now complete. Something about a town the size of Taos needing something like that is just bizarre.

    Charlie Frans

  2. Your point on Farmington's military vehicle is well taken. Local police are becoming more emboldened from being militarized, highly trained and equipped, and with the use of drones, GPS, etc. on the citizenry. It's scary - our freedoms are being slowly sapped away, even under this current president.

  3. The Los Lunas Police Department, also have a used MRAP. It was painted black for "FREE", by Brad Francis, Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge. A huge advertisement is painted on the back. A clear violation of the State of New Mexico's anti donation clause. ONLY IN NEW MEXICO!
