Monday, January 20, 2014

Failure to Launch

Will the legislative session that begins on Tuesday be reminiscent of the famous first attempt by America to launch a satellite?  Remember that?

Will there be any sort of effort by legislators to do something innovative to light some economic fires in New Mexico?  Will a leader emerge to rally enough smart and caring legislators  in a bipartisan effort to get this state out of the pits of hell economically?  There has to be someone that can do it, right?

Or will we just watch silly efforts like the tax cuts given to corporate big shots that have done exactly zero in creating jobs?  Of course time will be spent by the Governor on her drivers license bigotry and other wedge issues.  But it will be at her own peril as I am sensing her fall in the polls as being real and possibly accelerating.  Even if the Journal tries to protect her in their daily editions.

Here is a fascinating story I heard.  When Jay McCleskey, the Gov's political rightwing advisor, heard  that a poll by the respected Research and Polling Inc. would show her with a 14% drop in favorability he immediately commissioned a poll that showed her still sailing high.  That poll was completed at 10pm in the evening and appeared in a Washington Post article less than eight hours later. This gave the Martinez supporters some leverage to have it included in the Journal story on the poll for Common Cause that Research and Polling conducted.

If I were the Journal I would stick with the guy that does their own polls.  His track record is second to none.

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