Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Another Video

Another video shows APD officers shooting a man last night on his front porch. He died this morning.  It appeared he was talking on a cell phone.  And in an editorial today the Albuquerque Journal seems to be protecting the Mayor by saying he has acted properly in calling for more investigation of the department.  No matter that he was on a spring break during the chaos following last weeks killing, and not on a trade mission to South America.  So, who ever said he was overseas was lying or incompetent.  Well, better late than never, but it is pretty late.

I have been talking with friends who know the work of the new police chief that Berry hired at the suggestion of the Martinez administration in Santa Fe.  He was one of her cabinet officers.  They say he is nothing more than an accomplished bureaucrat and not ready for primetime in a major metropolitan police department leadership role.  Most think he has no business there.

Mayor Berry should just admit it and ask him to go.  Then go out and find someone who can fix this department.  And finally again, how about the guy who allegedly shot the police dog?  He is dead but no one has explained how he died.  


  1. Gordon Eden is a man totally in over his head. What Eden has revealed with his management and press conferences is that he is a political hack that has no business being Chief of Police. Berry and Perry need to admit they made a very big mistake in appointing Gordon Eden, but no doubt Sherman McCorkle thinks otherwise.

    What was not disclosed in the Chief selection process is that Gordon Eden has been a very close personal friend of Rob Perry's for years, to the point that Eden has been somewhat of a mentor giving Perry advice and guidance during his career. Eden was recruited to apply for the job, not because he was qualified, but more because he is a political operative within the Republican Party. Eden needs a "high 3" salary so he can retire, hence it was the money and not the service that really attracted him to the job.

    The job description used and advertised by the selection committee for Chief said that one of the minimum qualifications was 10 years experience in managing a large municipal police department, and Eden has NONE. The two other finalist out of Texas for the job had more than enough experience managing large municipal police departments. Eden has no experience in managing first responders but has significant experience in getting political appointments from Republican Federal and State administrations.

  2. The man died. Lets see how many days or weeks pass before we hear from Richard Berry. Wonder if Berry or Eden will be attending the funerals of Boyd and the victim of this most recent shooting?

  3. news reports that the man died this morning

  4. Mayor Berry's "national search" for a new APD Chief was a farce from beginning to end. Clearly the 2 Texas candidates were more qualified and were from larger cities than ABQ. Chief Eden was obviously a political appointee directed by Gov. Martinez/Jay McClesky.

  5. Is Richard Berry in Brazil again? Or is it Arizona? Does he know? Does his staff know? Will the citizens be told the Truth the first time?

  6. Is Richard Berry in town today? Does anyone know? Does Richard Berry know?

    About the Journal and Berry in August 2011 Berry vetoed the measure by the City Council to ask the DoJ to investigate APD. He said it wasn't necessary (read it here The Journal in a follow up editoral praised him for this. Flash forward to 2014. Now Berry and the Journal are begging the DoJ to take over APD. Berry had his chance to fix things but he decided to keep Ray Schultz in 2009. That started Albuquerque on the path to hell and in March 2014 it is getting pretty damn hot outside.

    And lets talk about our economy.....

    Berry should be recalled.

  7. Nothing mentioned here about the big turnout of protesters over the APD killing of the homeless man. We need more of these type of demonstrations to show how fed up the citizenry is over how corrupt and ineffective government leadership is.

  8. City Hall is saying that Mayor Berry is sick today. Not joking here.

  9. I agree that Gordon Eden is not Chief material. A lot of our money went to find a chief and the search team was two people by way of SKYPE that in itself is unprofessional. I think Eden realizes he is in over his head on this. He needs to be the only smart one and step,down and let's see if we can get one of the other two finalists to come in and clean house.

  10. Greetings city of Albuquerque, we are Anonymous. Recently, a video has been released to the public which shows Albuquerque Police Officers murdering a man in cold blood for 'illegally camping'. This man, which was schizophrenic, obviously had no intention of hurting these police officers, on the contrary, this man looks as if he is simply attempting to protect himself from visually fierce militarized thugs. Whether this man had a history of crime is irrelevant. We drastically need to address the growing police state that has occupied our country. When will we say no more? How many more citizens will be murdered? Naturally, the APD will attempt to label Anonymous as a terrorist organization for our demands of justice, but the question has to be asked. Who do we terrorize? Is it not a growing police state that terrorizes it's own citizens?

    APD you now have the full attention of Anonymous. To the citizens of Albuquerque, it's time to organize. On March 30th we are asking the citizens of Albuquerque to occupy the APD HQ and occupy the sites of the Albuquerque Police Department. Let them know that your city is not a place for war games against the homeless and the less fortunate. Anonymous grab your cannons and aim them at Albuquerque police websites.

  11. Berry in Brazil? No. Berry in Arizona? Maybe. Berry sick? Really.

    Why has the public been lied to regarding Berry and his activities of the last 2 weeks? Why were we told he was in Brazil, when he was not. Where was he? When did he know about Boyd? If he was in Arizona (I doubt he was there but that is the current story) why didn't get catch an hour flight from Phoenix and come back to Albuquerque? And now he is sick. This guy needs to be recalled. We need a real leader. We had our chance in October we need to recall Berry now and right the wrong.
