Friday, July 25, 2014

Dead Last

Is Governor Susana Martinez's abysmal performance catching  up to her?  I think it might be.  This morning, buried in the Albuquerque Journal, was a story quoting Forbes magazine saying that Albuquerque was dead last out of 200 surveyed cities for job growth.  Dead last!  Combine that with police shootings, bludgeoning deaths of homeless men,  and the growing aura of non accomplishment  in leadership and you have an impending disaster for Martinez and Mayor Berry.

Of course the first beneficiary of that is democratic candidate Gary King who is shown in a dead heat on the republican leaning Rasmussen poll against Martinez.  43 to 43 percent.  It is at first blush unbelievable, but after a little meditation, one could see it might actually be true.

I noticed a blitz by Martinez on TV in the last few days as some sort of panic attack on the part of her campaign.  Did they have some internal polling done which showed a slippage?  I am thinking that is exactly what happened.  And so, what we need to see now is some animation in the King campaign  that will convince people that his layed back approach to governing is less damaging that the current Governor's helplessness on economic issues.  It is  time for Gary to come alive.  And quickly.


  1. AnonymousJuly 25, 2014

    Maybe the people are starting to wake up from their siesta. People are starting to stand up for themselves against injustice in this city and state. Here’s one sweet, but feisty, lady’s story about how she feels about her experience with this government. If they would do this to her, they would do it to any of us.

  2. AnonymousJuly 26, 2014

    I grind my teeth each time I hear that voice on her Ads that breathlessly says, "Susana Martinez. OUR Govenor"..........blech

  3. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014

    Adults and children alike, this documentary will educate you and show the history of our constitution. Martinez and Berry may want to pay particular attention at about the 14 minute mark. It's a brief on the Nixon era. Apparently they didn't attend school that day.

  4. AnonymousJuly 28, 2014

    Wow, Abq job growth worse than Flint, MI and the rest of the rustbelt!
