Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Follow the Money

Here is a suggestion for those folks who are working to reform the Albuquerque Police Department.  Go out and find yourselves the best forensic accountants and CPAs that are available and start tracking where the money has been spent in that troubled department.  Every year they are over funded for officers they don't have and that money has to have been siphoned off into other areas that we know little about.  Perhaps the city auditor has been on top of it, but it would be great to get some truly independent eyes on APD expenditures.

APD has always been the biggest spender in city government and if the performance of the department in its lethality is any indication, then the expenditure of taxpayer money also needs some real scrutiny.  And now we read that APD will get the biggest pay raises than any other city department.  It just doesn't feel right.


  1. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    I'm surprised that you attack APD's finances for two reasons.

    The good cops have the worst job in NM right now. Everybody hates them, nobody trusts them and yet they risk their lives to protect those same people. The bad cops can do a saloon shoot out on each other and sell tickets to the event. You couldn't pay me $300k a year to do a good cops job in ABQ.

    I also think the scope of allegations are a bit narrow. With all the corruption that goes on in this state, there are a lot of holes. Any fearless employee that sees the intricacies of what goes on daily knows how corrupt both the city and state are. Remember that's what Martinez ran on, cleaning up the corruption, and then she does the medicaid two step as reported in Monahan today. You don’t “solve” the problems which are addressed in an audit until after you get the audit report, not before the auditors start their work. She sets such a poor example of a role model to young women, especially the Hispanics. Get some integrity, Martinez!

    This state is more corrupt than I've ever seen in my life. New Mexicans are getting hosed big time as they live in their never ending siesta.

  2. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    Here's an idea..find out if Schultz got that sweet Dodge he drives as a perk after signing off on the purchase of a new fleet of Chargers as APD units...

  3. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    It sure doesn't feel right because this big pay raise is not what it seems. The city says 5%. But the fine print says the police officers will pick up 1.25% more of their PERA contribution (now that raise is more like 3.75%). Minus another 5 hours of vacation time to pay for the union president to do city business (now we are down to 3.50%). That is about what everyone else received.

    Then look at the removal of longevity pay and the bonus money to keep veteran officers after they complete 20 years.

    I think Perry/Berry want to destroy APD and I think they have succeeded. Down 300 cops with very few coming on board. Berry's only answer is to dump his horrible management issues on the back of the state pension fund. Yes,,,, Berry's only answer to APD historic loss in manpower is to get the legislature to approve double dipping again..... And this guys says he is a Republican. Well passing the buck, he is acting like one.

    And what about the investigations by the State Auditor and City Inspector General into Ray Schultz and Taser? Where are they at? And why doesn't the Journal and other media outlets place the blame for the DoJ having to step in with APD on Ray Schultz? Eden has done some dumb things in 4 months but Ray Schultz is the skipper who drove APD over the abyss for 8 years. Why doesn't someone in the media step up and place the blame on his doorstep, where it belongs.

  4. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    Another loaded money issue is asset forfeiture-the accounted for and the "instant gratification without the paperwork". How much does APD acquire each year, what it's spent on, and how much is properly turned over to the Feds.
    US Marshalls created a position three years ago just to oversee this money. And Robin Hood Darrin White was sued by Joe Kennedy representing 400 people he stole from while BCSO, and didn't properly share with Feds. The drug trade is very very good for local law agencies-the more dealing=the more $. But no media investigate and reveal this relationship.

  5. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    you must be a cop, you said Baca was attacking, and that is the whole mindset of APD these days.

  6. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    Nope, not a cop and wouldn't wanna be one at APD at this time in Albuquerque's history. How much would you be willing to get paid under these conditions? Dear was willing to sell his soul for $100k a year when he hunted down a 19 year old girl and killed her.

  7. AnonymousJuly 01, 2014

    Talk about follow the money, Taser gets a $2,000,000 contract and APD chief Ray Schultz gets a job with Taser. Kickback, I think so. Rumor has it he also drives a Dodge Charger for his personal car. Schultz also signed the multimillion dollar city contract for APD to use Dodge Chargers.hmmmmmmm Coincidence? I don't think so. Ray Schultz needs to be investigated, what is happening with the Attorney General, State Auditor and Inspector General? When do we hold the people at the top accountable?
