Friday, August 08, 2014


The remarks of Albuquerque City Attorney's office on a federal lawsuit involving Mary Han's death are appalling.  They called the lawsuit frivolous, and that the dead have no constitutional rights.  All after the death scene of Han was overrun by city officials including former Mayor Berry Public Safety head Darren White.  Evidence was trampled.  All because attorney Mary Han was a repeat winner against the rogue APD officers who have made our city look like a violent place.

This callousness towards the Han family on the part of the Mayor's city legal team is unprecedented in my view.  One more reason for the Mayor to kick out his hapless APD Chief,  along with his Chief Administrative Officer and City Attorney.

I am convinced that Mayor Berry would rather just amble off into anonymity right now.  He is not having any fun at all.


  1. What is also really disgusting is the fact Republican political operative Steven French is the private attorney who was hired by the Berry Administration to defend the City and get the case dismissed. Steven French is the brother in law of City Attorney David Toureck and Steve French was paid close to $250,000 to defend the case with a no bid contract. Toureck labeled the lawsuit frivolous, but it was sure lucrative for his family member. Now rumor is Steve French wants to be appointed head of State Risk management so he can retire in December from his firm.

    What is also disgusting is once again Rob Perry and Darren White are not being held accountable by Berry for trashing a crime scene and taking cell phone photos of Mary Han's body. Perry likes to throw his weight around at officer involve shootings and should have been fired long ago.

    As far as Berry is concerned, he is happy as can be. He is already telling his Economic Forum buddies and people like Sherman Mc Corkle and Jeff Apodaca, with Univision, he is running for Governor because he feels he is doing such a great job as Mayor and people still like him.

  2. The family will keep fighting and will appeal to the Tenth Circuit to make sure that they are at least heard by an impartial tribunal outside of New Mexico.

  3. Just read this FaceBook posting, seems this situation with the Han family is just par for the course...

    The release of the Department of Justice report this past April was turning point, a drawing of the line in the sand if you will, in the history of lies, omissions and deceit perpetrated on an unsuspecting public for decades.

    Saying that, we have been very interested in watching - more than enough time has passed - which side of the line, choosing of teams if you will, the power players have decided to join.

    It truly is unfortunate - for all to see - that these "power players" have decide to remain on the team of lies, omissions, and deceit, squandering this once in a lifetime opportunity to take responsibility, to restore the pubic confidence, and to come clean with the public as now we learn Mayor Berry, even after signing a joint statement of principles with the DOJ going into the consent decree ( Notably commented on by a citizen ) negotiations that clearly states that the DOJ's letter of findings will be used as the "blueprint" for said negotiations, is now instructing his legal department to deny that very report as evidence in a civil lawsuit against the department

    Has the time come to simply disband - the only guaranteed way we see, to save the tax payers possibly hundreds of millions, being left to the citizens by these un-repentive "power players" - the Albuquerque Police Department and retire the badge???

    "Sad to say, folks, but that’s where we’re living now."

  4. My theory might be hard to consider, but I ask that you do...

    Why would Republicans Susana (more so) and Richard (less so) allow the tanking of the New Mexico economy, let the police across the State turn it into a shooting gallery, allow the military to poison the water and all the while a Democrat held Presidency sit back (Holder-DOJ/FBI- EPA) and do as little as it can??

    Could it be the Republicans and the Democrats are two sides of the same coin and have sold out to the super elite??? ( I can hear them now.. It's only 2M people, the smart ones will leave, the rest can go to hell.)

    Could it have anything to do with nearly $20B sitting in the State permanent fund (one of the top sovereign wealth funds in the country, and the 30th largest in the world)????

    I surely don't believe all of these power players are that stupid, but then again anything is possible.

    What is your theory? I sure would like to hear it...

  5. They are simply in over their heads. They are not suited for leading government since they both profess to hate it. They have poor leadership qualities.

  6. Historically, propagangda has been about making one set of people forget that another set of people are human. Go back in time and you will see that this is a correct statement. For Tourek to refer to Ms. Han as "the dead" is exactly that - she is not human. It is disgusting and a very sad state of current events in the dark city of Albuquerque. My question is where are the good people to demand a stop to this? Have they all moved away to brighter places?

    Ms. Han's family has every right to demand answers and I hope they get their opportunity.

  7. Berry and Susana are not over their heads. They know exactly what they are doing: dismantle government, shrink government beyond recognition, privatize everything you can, get rid of the unions, make sure corporate interest are protected, reduce taxes, to hell with essential service, education and social programs, sell the big lie that all is well and make sure you hold on to power at all cost. But hey, we got a nice guy for Mayor and the first Latina Governor we can be proud of.

  8. There will be a dark cloud over Albuquerque until answers are given about Ms. Han
