Tuesday, September 02, 2014

PNM vs. The Gov

I am waiting to see what kind of nasty things the Governor's office mascots will say about the Public Service Company of NM after their comments in the Journal this morning. PNM will be seeking a massive rate hike for numerous reasons, some valid, and they think one of them is the dismal performance of New Mexico's economy.  They were pretty blunt about falling revenues from falling demand because of less commercial and industrial power use.  Then they said this wasn't happening in surrounding states.  And it isn't for sure.

It is nice to see someone in the business community finally saying the 'king has no clothes'.  And I don't mean Gary King either.  Of course, this will come to nothing because all Susanna has to do is call on right-wingers to send another 5 million to buy more feel good TV commercials.

Sadly, we are adrift and asleep here in our state.  We get the leadership in Santa Fe that we deserve.  And there is still no legislative firebrand that will take over the reins and do something innovative to save our economy.

1 comment:

  1. Jim: Last Thursday, August 28, while you were out of town, the Journal published my Letter to the Editor with the headline "Mayor fails to address "real world" woes." I tried to send it to you as a comment but it is too long. I hope you get a chance to read it.

    Sounds like you had a great time on your trip. Betty and I want to start taking more trips and cruises. Best wishes.

    Pete Dinelli
