Friday, October 31, 2014


Senate: Tom Udall
Governor: Susana Martinez
Congress:  Ben Ray Lujan, Steve Pearce, Michelle Grisham Lujan
Attorney General: Hector Balderas
Secretary of State:  Toss Up
State Land Commissioner: Aubrey Dunn Jr.
Auditor: Tim Keller
Treasurer: Tim Eichenberg

These are all of the candidates who have spent the most money.  And they will all probably win.  I really am hopeful that Maggie Toulouse Oliver can eke out a win over that GOP voter suppression tool Dianna Duran.


  1. I just read the DoJ consent decree, my only question is Why are we paying Greenwood and Streicher? This should have been done by Tourek and the city attorney. Paying Greenwood is a waste of our money. Oh that's why Berry hired Greenwood, because it is our money not his.

    The DoJ decree shows a complete failure of accountability by Mayor Berry and Chiefs Eden and Schultz. It also shows a complete failure of the citizens to give a damn. If we cared we would have voted last year and tossed Berry out of office. Now we are stuck with $6,000,000 per year for the DoJ Decree. And Ken Sanchez is already saying we need to raise gross receipts. What a mess.

  2. I think Powell will beat Dunn. That one is too close to call.

  3. As a life long democrat (65 plus), I would not mind at all if Udall, Eichenberg and Keller loose. They blow with the wind and have not done anything but promote their own self center interests over their entire careers. I have never,ever, voted for Republicans until this year holding my nose all they way. Our party needs a real wake up call.

  4. I would respect Dunn if he had run on issues or his background and experience. Instead he used corporate welfare queen Becky Mullane as a distraction, conveniently glossing over the fact that she chose to not carry business insurance and then cried when fire and flood destroyed her business. She got $2 million and STILL stabbed Powell in the back. May her new enterprise suffer the same fate (karma).
