Monday, December 22, 2014


The transition for the Valles Caldera(our old Baca Family Land Grant) in the Jemez Mountains to the National Park Service has happened.  What everyone seems to forget is that former Senator Pete Domenici had cooked up the hybrid management of that area because he didn't like public lands being increased.  No matter it was one of the most beautiful areas in the state.  The effort was doomed from the start because there was not enough money to break even.  Now the area will be managed, for good or worse, by the Park Service.  But of course Domenici's failed gambit of freezing public lands protections in such schemes got no attention.

The Albuquerque Journal had a bizarre and rambling editorial this morning about the great Obama initiative on Cuba.  It tried in everyday to make it look like a bad decision by the president, while at the same time saying it might be good.

And, amidst falling oil prices, another oped on the importance of the approval of the Keystone pipeline was spoon fed to us.  Really, the people who see a need for this pipeline are no different than those people who see no need for a change in our relationship with Cuba.  They are pathetically out of touch with reality.

And speaking reality, here is a good read about religion and we people known as 'nons'.


  1. Domenici firmly opposes having things owned by we the people unless you name them after him.

  2. Jim Baca wrote: "The Albuquerque Journal had a bizarre and rambling editorial this morning about the great Obama initiative on Cuba. It tried .. to make it look like a bad decision ... while at the same time saying it might be good."

    Jimbo, what you did in a nicely succinct way was to define the essence of Journal editorials going back as far as you care to go.

    All bluster, all the time. Journal editorials are like Oakland -- there's no there there.

    The Journal's biggest problem is not its reflexive right-wing ideology. The Journal's biggest problem is its hard-wired timidity.It's in the paper's DNA, I fear.

    Oh, well.
