Monday, January 26, 2015

GOP Rhetoric

No matter that the public lands in Alaska do not belong to just Alaskans!  The Alaskan Governor has said that the President has declared 'WAR' on the people of the state because he is pushing Wilderness Protection of pristine landscapes for future generations.  US Senator Merkowski has said it is an "ASSAULT" on the state.  Big rhetoric from small minds in a big State.  It is laughable and scary at the same time and signals that the GOP remains on the fringe of American political history.

And then there is the GOP mascot Albuquerque Journal this morning.  They just hate regulation and trampling on corporate ability to steamroll water conscious local residents on fracking in New Mexico.  This horrible system threatens clean water in the area of such drilling operations.

At the same time the Journal wants the legislature to enact regulation on women's right to abortions.  No, I don't like the idea of late term abortions either, but if the archbishops in their funny clothes get their way then no good reason would be good enough for such procedures.

And sadly, here is another incredible black eye for Mayor Berry and APD.  National coverage like this is horrible, as is the reason they had to write it.


  1. National coverage of it is good. The media here won't tell this story. There's a lot in this New Yorker article about the culture of the APD that hasn't come out before but should have, and as the article shows, the local media even participate in it, flashing the most menacing looking photos of the victims they can find, repeating false information about the victims given to them by the police without checking it out, and so on. If we permit this to go on we deserve whatever reputation that warrants.

  2. What's so funny about their clothes? I like your blog except for your disrespectful pot shots at the Catholic church. You have a right to your atheistic beliefs without religious folks taking shots at you. Catholics believe that life begins at conception. True Catholics will always fight to defend the rights of the unborn.

  3. The problem is Catholics use political power to force, through legislation, their beliefs on the rest of us. And in the year 2015 those are silly costumes whose time is way past. There are many things good about the church. The Acts of Mercy etc. But the church has turned into a rightwing political movement against women and gays. Certainly more than half our population.

  4. I think many religions due the same to some extent. Your anti Catholic bigotry and intolerance is disrespectful for someone who is a leader in our community. I believe you should be called out whenever you make such sophomoric and insensitive remarks.

  5. Bigotry is the wrong word. It is more like disrespect for the churches bigotry. and if other religions do it, that makes it right? Religions are in a perpetual circular firing squad.

  6. Bigotry is the right word Jim. Truth hurts.
